Route the PachWater and nature in RotzoThe waterfalls of PachScheda tecnicadifficultiesChallenging if wetAltitude difference200 mTime3.5 h (2.5 h walk)PeriodLate spring, summer, early autumnAccessibilityAdults and teenagersThe pathWaterfalls of PachInterestsNaturalisticThe territory of Rotzo, consists of unique across the plateau of Asiago. It is one of the oldest municipalities of the plateau, where you can admire the remains of ancient prehistory by visiting the archaeological village of Bostel.Natural level presents some particularity dates only from altitude and from where it is located. Like all other municipalities also features a karst plateau's strong, Rotzo does not allow water to flow to the surface, so streams and creeks stand out only after the snowmelt or heavy summer storms. But with some exceptions are formed of small streams livable during the whole time of the year, is the case of waterfalls formed by Pach in Rotzo. The route starts from the village centre and goes so far as to ledges that separate the town from the Assa. Here lie the falls between jumps and a very special vegetation.Percoorenza time4:00 with guided tourdifficultiesAverage/Challenging