Guide Altopiano

Hiking and Snowshoeing

Hiking and Snowshoeing
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Our itineraries and guided tour in the Asiago plateau and not only

Our Trails

Excursions about nature, guided visits to Alpine pastures, the discovery of andrbe medicines, mushrooms, forestry, wildlife and local flora .

Historical tours: touching the places of the great war, many of them restored on the 100th anniversary since the outbreak of the conflict. Trenches, trenches and fortresses. The ancient history of our plateau and the traditional jobs held still.

Literary Excursions in the places of literature: Mario Rigoni Stern, Emilio Lussu, Ernest Hemingway, Friedrich Weber, Luigi Meneghello, Vera Brittain, the brothers Stuparich, Carlo Emilio Gadda, Attilio Coolness, Robert Musil.

Photographic excursions: at dusk and dawn, the photographic technique andprocessing in light room.

Astronomical Tours: with the experts of heaven, theobservation of the constellations and thenight-time orientation, the history of astronomy, the most important observers visit in Italy.

The wonders of the Plateau
Environmental Excursions
The wonders of the Plateau

The nature of our Highland offers diverse opportunities of choice: from huge colored flowers meadows, steep peaks and forest paths for long outdoor excursions with panoramic views.

The charm of the great war
Great War Excursions
The charm of the great war

For history lovers, the cultural richness of the fortifications which has fought the world war, retracing the steps of soldiers, visiting the trenches and historical monuments that make the Plateau a veritable cultural treasure.

Snowshoeing and snow outputs
Snowshoeing Excursions
Snowshoeing and snow outputs

Winter activities don't end: Snowshoeing to stay mesmerised by the snowy landscape and the stones, with landscapes and healthy outdoor excursions.
