PAUL VOLPATOHistorian and Writer Books Great WarPaolo Volpato, born in Rome where he resides, is an employee of the Chamber of Deputies. A member of the Historical Society for the White War, he collaborated with Eagles in War magazine, as well as other historical magazines. He has edited other books including:- Ortigara ordeal of the Alps, with P. Pozzato and R. From Molin- The Battle of the Pasubio, with Fr. Pozzato- Ortles the war between the ice and the stars, with P. Pozzato and R. From Molin- Enemies on the Ortigara, with P. Pozzato- Mount Cengio reality and legend of a battlefield, with P. Pozzato and R. From MolinBlood solstice, with Fr. Pozzato- The final close November 14-17, 1917 the Battle of Mount Cornella and the conquest of QueroPersonal site: Facebook - Paolo VolpatoActivities:- Writer and historian of the places of the Great War- Contributor in historical outings with the Plateau Guides
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